This is an unsafe API feature and require permissions in configuration:
allow-bukkit-reflect (For only org.bukkit.*)
allow-nms-reflect (For only net.minecraft.*)
Allows access to classes not included in API
Find a class in current server
Operation will be recorded if configuration logging.log-reflection-access is true
If returns a java.lang.Class instance, you can use it with standard java reflection
arg (String) className Name of target class
return (java.lang.Class|undefined) If class found, returns an instance of java.lang.Class, returns null when ClassNotFoundException catched
throws java.lang.IllegalStateException When reference this method without permission
throws java.lang.IllegalStateException When reference this method with non-NMS package name without allow-nms-reflect permission
throws java.lang.NullPointerException When reference this method with non-bukkit package name without allow-bukkit-reflect permission
Last updated